Evergreen Home Air Test In Top 1%
1402 Pohorecky Place, Saskatoon Sk. Air Infiltration Test.
We are in the process of working through a new floor plan. The customer would like the home to be Energy Star, so we decided to test one of our standard homes to see how it would perform. Sunridge said to expect 3 air changes per hour, and Energy Star builders have to try pretty hard to make 1.5 air changes per hour. As the tech was installing the blower door, I asked how difficult it would be to get below 1.5, he responded that in the time he has been air testing houses he has had about 10 that were near one. The results for 1402 Pohorecky Pl. came back at .99 Air Changes Per Hour. Our standard build is better than most Energy Star built homes, and we probably could have done a bit better. (The sump pump had never had any water in it, and the smoke stick showed some air movement). We are meticulous with the vapor barrier, something we have always been, and it shows! This Fabulous new Evergreen home is not just a pretty face, it will save energy long into the future.